Breaking through the glass ceiling to diversity and inclusion in agriculture

At FA Bio we embrace people from different backgrounds, believing that it strengthens relationships and promotes creativity, respect and problem-solving within a team. By collaborating and building strong internal and external relationships, we can work together as a team and as an industry to achieve our vision of protecting natural ecosystems. The Challenge As a … Read more

Discovering biocontrol candidates for wheat crops

Pathogens that affect wheat crops can infect both the roots and the leaves, causing disease, rot and blotching and can occur at all stages of crop development. Currently, there is no effective silver bullet available, the most common ways to manage disease in wheat is by crop rotation or use of chemical fungicides. The market … Read more

The driest conditions in 90 years spark fears of food shortages

According to the UK Met Office, future summers could last longer with an increased risk of drought. Research by the world’s leading weather service found that summer-like weather patterns will also lead to warmer and drier autumns from the mid-2020s. Following some of the driest conditions in nearly 90 years, 11 of the 14 UK … Read more

The Fungi Phenomenon

Fungi are one of the most diverse organisms on Earth, contributing to many of the features we know and rely on to maintain life on our planet. Fungi live everywhere and are estimated to make up 50% of our agricultural soils, helping to degrade organic matter and assist in soil aggregation. Fungi produce a wide range of bioactive metabolites which can improve plant growth and supply inorganic nutrients to plants.

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