FA Bio appoint Adrian Percy as Non-Executive Director

AP Sept 2020 high res 2[8877] (1)
Dr Adrian Percy

FA Bio further strengthen their proposition with the insight and experience of Adrian Percy as NED


FA Bio, the revolutionary agriculture microbial discovery and development company, announced today that it has appointed Adrian Percy, one of the world’s top leaders in the agriculture field, as Non-Executive Director.


Dr Adrian Percy is one of the most experienced agricultural leaders in the world today and an advocate for the adoption of technologies that support global food security whilst reducing the impact on our environment. With over 30 years in the industry, leading the R&D teams of multinational agricultural businesses, he has an excellent understanding of the strategies that are needed to advance innovation in agriculture across the globe. He is currently the Executive Director for the N.C. Plant Sciences Initiative at North Carolina State University.


FA Bio are helping to minimise agriculture’s environmental impact whilst sustainably increasing crop productivity through the development of bioproducts. A creative and curious entrepreneurial business, they are leading the way in discovering and developing superior microbial biofungicides and biofertilisers. There are a number of key drivers for the use of bioproducts in agriculture including regulations, consumers, chemical resistance and most importantly the global environment. FA Bio are focused on discovering sustainable farming solutions that can restore the biodiversity of degraded soils and enhance or replace the activity of agrochemical inputs.


Dr Angela de Manzanos Guinot, CEO and Co-Founder of FA Bio said: “FA Bio have appointed Adrian Percy as NED to help enhance and accelerate our vision to discover agricultural bioproducts that can minimise agriculture’s environmental impact. Our unique strategy, driven by scientific excellence, provides a solution to the challenges around sustainability and productivity, minimising soil degradation and improving crop yields. Adrian’s ability to translate scientific information to those working in the agriculture industry will help us in bringing partners and growers along on our vision to protect the natural ecosystems and sustain life through the use of bioproducts.”


Dr Adrian Percy comments: “I have always been drawn to those opportunities that are striving to be part of a revolutionary change in the agriculture sector, supporting those with a strong potential to create a positive impact. It is well recognised that research and development is at the forefront to delivering new and innovative solutions to the challenges that have been faced by the agriculture industry for years. FA Bio are using their proprietary technology and their strong relationships with growers to discover new improved bioproducts and revolutionise sustainable agriculture.”